Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hi everybody.Last night we had.  A very bad storm.there were three tornadoes and lots of lightning. Our power went out.but in the morning we had lots of snow ⛄️

Kinda traumatized


  1. But you were strong and brave and took good care of Dot through it all. I am proud of your

  2. I think you get much worse weather than we get here. I ive in the east of England. maybe you can find it on a map. This year we have had a lot of rain and there has been flooding. We don't have tornadoes though!

  3. Storms are always more scary at night, especially when the power goes out. My little dog is beyond traumatized when we have thunder & lightening storms, thank goodness no tornadoes here.

  4. Hello Miss Bean! Well, snow in Texas is rare, right? I was just thinking today that Denver weather is never consistent. Maybe you'd say the same about your weather. I read your granny's blog and she said you had great success at cookie sales! Way to go!
